Saturday 11 October 2014

BE THE REAL YOU | First blog post

Earlier this year, I took a trip with my best friend and family to North Stradbroke Island just off South East Queensland, Australia.
Seeing the long stretch of ocean with no beginning or end to the crystal clear blue waters, makes you feel small. 
Its crazy just how big this world we live in is. 
There are over 7 billion people alive today and every single one has a story. A life. A beginning and end. It's scary, and so hard for our minds to comprehend. 
Though this world is so big, we can sometimes become so confined in others opinions and views of who we should be. We stick to the average lifestyle trying to fit in, become accepted. Which is our human nature. But we need to fight against that, be who we were designed to be. Don't let others inflict your journey by isolating you to being another one of the crowd. 
This world is MASSIVE, there are so many opportunities to take.
Don't hold back, because your worried of what your friends, spouses, parents will think. 
If your friends don't encourage you to embrace what your heart wants than you need to start thinking about the people you spend time with. If the guy/girl you like doesn't accept you for you, then do you really want to be with someone like that? 
You need to surround yourself with people who uplift you and inspires you to live out a life that brings fulfilment. 

People may judge you for living out who you really are. But screw them because they are secretly envying your ability to be who you are, to not let society judge and destroy the real you. 
At the end of our lives we'll be old sitting on a porch somewhere our hair grey, thinking back on our life.
You don't want to be wishing you had done things differently. You want to look back on your life and have no regrets. 
So starting now go after what you really want 

Love Kayla xx


  1. I totally agree. Reminded me of a F. Scott Fitzgerald quote I read a while back:
    “It's never too late to be who you want to be. I hope you live a life you’re proud of, and if you find you’re not, I hope you have the strength to start over again."

    It's difficult sometimes to figure out who is supporting you and who's holding you back... that's one of the big challenges of life, right?

    1. Thankyou for taking time to read my post, yes its so true though, friends will either make or break you
      - K xx
