Tuesday 14 October 2014

10 ways to change up your lifestyle | for true happiness

We have the power to decide, is this the life I want? Is this the person I want to be? 

There is nothing worse then feeling sluggish, unmotivated and down on life, so here are 10 ways that are sure to make you feel refreshed and ready to take on the world. 

Get up earlier. 
Push yourself to get up before the rest of world, get a jacket and go sit on a hill and watch the sunrise, or just sit outside and embrace the fresh air. Starting your day, quite and alone in nature is sure to bring up your spirits.      

Laugh more. 
Simple as it is, laughing increases endorphins, the brain chemical known for the feel-good effect. So grab a comedy movie, watch short youtube clips of cats or grab a friend. Laughing is good for the soul. 

Organise your life, clean your room, get rid of the unnecessary items laying around the house. Honestly this is one of the best medicines. Having an organised life allows you to feel less anxiety and stress. Plus it's so much better to come home to a tidy and decluttered environment. 

Step away from the life online. 
Social media has consumed our daily life's especially among our generation. Sometimes you need a good internet detox, so delete Instagram off your your phone, deactivate facebook, close the laptop and breathe in that technology free air. 

Try and go to bed earlier
You can then wake up the next day earlier and fresher, also try and turn off your phone an hour or two before you lay down to try and sleep. Instead grab a book and you'll be able to fall asleep easier. 

6th                                                                   Try eating healthy, whole foods.                     Nothing is quite as beneficial for your mind and body then eating clean. 

Drink more water.
You've heard it before and now you've heard it again. This is something I definitely struggle with is drinking enough water, but I always seem to drink more when I have a water bottle with me during the day. 

It doesn't have to be an intense workout, that leaves your muscles throbbing the next few days. It can be as simple as going on walks or a light jog. Even stretching and yoga is considered an exercise, just anything to get your body moving. 

Bless others.
Be kind to everyone, go out of your way to make someone smile. Become the type of person you'd want to fall in love with. Compliment others, smile at strangers, poke your tongue out at babies, love others and ask about peoples stories. 

Spend more time with Friends and family. 
Spending times with those who support and love you can help with increasing your mood, so instead of spending time on yourself, make an effort to catch up with loved ones.

Begin taking small steps to a new lifestyle. 

-K xx 

Saturday 11 October 2014

BE THE REAL YOU | First blog post

Earlier this year, I took a trip with my best friend and family to North Stradbroke Island just off South East Queensland, Australia.
Seeing the long stretch of ocean with no beginning or end to the crystal clear blue waters, makes you feel small. 
Its crazy just how big this world we live in is. 
There are over 7 billion people alive today and every single one has a story. A life. A beginning and end. It's scary, and so hard for our minds to comprehend. 
Though this world is so big, we can sometimes become so confined in others opinions and views of who we should be. We stick to the average lifestyle trying to fit in, become accepted. Which is our human nature. But we need to fight against that, be who we were designed to be. Don't let others inflict your journey by isolating you to being another one of the crowd. 
This world is MASSIVE, there are so many opportunities to take.
Don't hold back, because your worried of what your friends, spouses, parents will think. 
If your friends don't encourage you to embrace what your heart wants than you need to start thinking about the people you spend time with. If the guy/girl you like doesn't accept you for you, then do you really want to be with someone like that? 
You need to surround yourself with people who uplift you and inspires you to live out a life that brings fulfilment. 

People may judge you for living out who you really are. But screw them because they are secretly envying your ability to be who you are, to not let society judge and destroy the real you. 
At the end of our lives we'll be old sitting on a porch somewhere our hair grey, thinking back on our life.
You don't want to be wishing you had done things differently. You want to look back on your life and have no regrets. 
So starting now go after what you really want 

Love Kayla xx